Friday, November 29, 2013

Chapter 6: The Business of Fancydancing and Postmodern Native Amercia

            Goebel rounds out the book with Sherman Alexie’s collection of poetry entitled, The Business of Fancydancing.  Alexie appears to be the premiere Native author writing today.  No matter where I go in this country, when I mention that I live and teach on a reservation, at least one person asks if I have read any of his work.  Embarrassingly, I have not prior to this study, but he is on my ‘wish list’ on amazon.

            Alexie’s work would be a perfect read for students of any culture because, “…the book continually challenges stereotypes, both malevolent and benign, and complicates simple perspectives of Native peoples” (p. 143).  In some brief follow-up research after this chapter, I found that Alexie balances his work between traditional stories and contemporary issues.  He writes about what it is like growing up on a reservation in today’s world which many Native children can relate to.  But teens of all cultures can understand the struggles of freedom, impending life choices, and dedication to family.  One doesn’t have to grow up on a reservation to relate to the characters in Alexie’s poems and stories.

            To wrap up his study on how to teach Native American literature, Goebel provides a glaring look into how we view multicultural texts in our current educational system:
            “When we speak of Shakespeare or Hemingway, there is an implicit recognition of craft, or the                      artistry of the writer.  When we look at multicultural literature however, we often focus on issues                    of ethnicity to the exclusion of aesthetics.  Such an approach carries the hidden curricular                              message that, while worth of anthropological study, Native American literature is not really art.” 
             (p. 143)
Maybe I’m an idealist, a dreamer, a revolutionary, but I really hope that someday we can look at literature from all the cultural groups that have influenced our current society and read them as American literature and not separate them by cultural parameters. 

            All students should receive well rounded instruction in literature.  For groups that have been historically marginalized, it is vital that their literature is taught on par with literature with the culture of power.  We can’t make up for centuries of atrocities, but literature is a fine place to start.


  1. His books are amazing!!! read them. I admit I have not read most of them but they are really written where a student can relate to them and even though they are written to be funny, it tells his story.
    I think that children, especially native children should be given opportunities to seek out different pieces of literature.

  2. I love Alexie's Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian (I think that's right!). I had a group of students read it for literature circles last year and they really enjoyed it. Your book makes a great point about viewing classics as works of art, and other literature in relation to the issues they deal with. I hadn't thought about it in those terms, but it seems to be spot on. We definitely need to change that way of thinking amongst ourselves, and pass a new way of thinking on to our students.

  3. I read that bok and it is authentic and meaningful. I actually have it in my class library and so far I had 3 students read it and they enjoyed it because they feel they made a connection with reservation life. It really is sometimes difficult to see if there would be relevancy in literatures with Native life and I learn that reading on the author is best and readin book yourself. Very good book overall.
